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• 药品评价-安全性研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 西藏民族大学,西藏民族大学
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-14 修回日期:2017-12-06 出版日期:2017-12-25 发布日期:2017-12-25
  • 基金资助:

Meta-analysis of Xin Dakang in Treating Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease

wuxiaojun and   

  1. xizang minzu university,
  • Received:2017-10-14 Revised:2017-12-06 Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-25

摘要: 目的:采用Meta分析法评价心达康胶囊和心达康片治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床疗效和安全性。方法:通过检索CNKI、维普中文科技期刊全文数据库、万方数据库、中国生物医学文献服务系统(CBM)( 1990~2016年),收集有关心达康胶囊和心达康片治疗冠心病心绞痛随机对照临床研究的文献,把符合纳入标准的12篇文献共1438例患者作为Meta分析的对象,选择心绞痛、心电图症状疗效作为效应指标,采用RevMan 5.3软件进行统计分析。结果:Meta分析结果显示心达康胶囊和心达康片治疗组在改善症状和心电图方面与对照组比较有显著性差异,无明显不良反应,4周临床有效率OR=5.27,95% CI=(3.78,7.34),P<0.05;4周心电图疗效有效率OR=2.96,95% CI=(2.30,3.81),P<0.05。结论:心达康胶囊和心达康片治疗冠心病心绞痛有效,安全性较高,较对照组有优势,为临床用药提供参考。

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Xin Dakang Capsule and Xin Da Kang Tablet in the treatment of angina pectoris of coronary heart disease by meta-analysis. Methods: By searching CNKI, VIP database of Chinese scientific journals, Wanfang database, China Biomedical Document Service System (CBM) from 1990 to 2016,To collect the literature about the randomized controlled clinical study of Xin Dakang capsule and Xindakang tablet in the treatment of angina pectoris. A total of 1438 patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected as the subjects of Meta analysis, angina pectoris and electrocardiogram symptom efficacy were selected as effect indicators, by Using RevMan 5.3 software for statistical analysis. Results:Meta-analysis showed that Xin Dakang capsule and Xin Dakang treatment group in the improvement of symptoms and ECG compared with the control group there was a significant difference, There was no significant adverse reaction, 4 weeks clinical effective rate OR=5.27,95% CI=(3.78,7.34), P<0.05.4 weeks ECG efficacy OR=2.96,95% CI=(2.30,3.81), P<0.05.Conclusion:Xin Dakang capsule and Xin Dakang treatment of coronary heart disease angina pectoris effective, higher safety than the control group has advantages for clinical use to provide a reference.