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国产与进口头孢唑肟治疗细菌感染有效性 和安全性的Meta分析


  1. 解放军第一〇〇医院,解放军第一〇〇医院,解放军第一〇〇医院,解放军第一〇〇医院
  • 收稿日期:2013-12-16 修回日期:2013-12-19 出版日期:2013-12-25 发布日期:2013-12-25

Meta-analysis on the Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Self-Manufactured and Imported Ceftizoxime in the Treatment of Bacterial Infection

  1. The 100th Hospital of PLA,The 100th Hospital of PLA,The 100th Hospital of PLA,
  • Received:2013-12-16 Revised:2013-12-19 Online:2013-12-25 Published:2013-12-25

摘要: 目的:运用Meta分析的方法综合评价国产与进口头孢唑肟治疗细菌感染的有效性和安全性。方法:制定原始文献的纳入和排除标准及检索策略,检索文献数据库,收集有关国产与进口头孢唑肟治疗细菌感染的随机对照试验研究报告,剔除不符合要求的文献后,纳入文献5篇,提取文献数据进行定量综合分析。结果:综合分析显示,国产头孢唑肟与进口头孢唑肟治疗细菌感染有效率OR值(95%CI)为1.04(0.53~2.07),不良反应发生率OR值(95%CI)为0.88(0.44~1.77)。结论:国产头孢唑肟治疗细菌感染有效性和安全性与进口头孢唑肟相当,因此国产头孢唑肟在治疗细菌感染时是安全有效的。

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of self-manufactured and imported ceftizoxime by Meta-analysis. Methods: According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, electronic search strategy was carried out among the databases to collect qualified research papers. 5 randomized controlled trials were collected and analyzed. Results: In systematical analysis, the pooled odds ratio (95%CI)of the efficacy rate, adverse reaction rate of self-manufactured and imported ceftizoxime in the treatment of bacterial infection were 1.04(0.53~2.07)and 0.88(0.44~1.77)respectively. Conclusion: The efficacy rate and safety rate of self-manufactured ceftizoxime are as good as imported ceftizoxime. In a word, self-manufactured ceftizoxime is effective and safe in the treatment of bacterial infection.